OK, this is where we (”Imagination To Go!”, or “ITG!”)make you aware of our privacy policy. You should report anything that you feel violates your privacy and/or the terms of this statement.

What we collect:

Not a damn thing.

OK, sure, if you decide to contact us, we’ll have your email address. If you decide to work with us, we’ll need more than that. But as far as what information we’re collecting while you’re reading this, it’s nada. Nil. Nothing. Center of a doughnut.

We figure, if you want us to know, you’ll tell us.


Since we’re not collecting any information, we don’t need cookies. Unless they’re chocolate chip ... in that case, bring it on.

Who we share information with:

As mentioned above, if you contact us, we’ll need a modest amount of personal information in order to best reply. In general, we provide access to that information only to employees and/or contractors and/or vendors which we believe need that access in order to do their jobs and to provide services to you.

We will ABSOLUTELY NEVER sell, rent, or lease or release your personally identifiable information to ANYONE unless we have your express permission or unless we get called on by one of those federal alphabet agencies, at which point all bets are off.

Who we share chocolate chip cookies with:

No one. Don’t even ask.


We reserve the right to send you select communications relating to our services. If you don’t want these communications, contact us and we will sadly remove your name from our lists.


ITG! is committed to ensuring the security of your information. Having said that, we’re outnumbered: there are more hackers out there than we can hope to thwart. So we reserve the right to limit our responsibilities in this area to reasonable safeguards.

What that means is, we’ll implement appropriate and reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure this site. But if some hacker in Bangledesh manages to get into our server and get your email address and send you some advertisement for porn that involves roller coasters and green wax, well, we simply cannot accept responsiblity for the trauma that may cause your grandmother: there are certain risks you accept when you go online.

Honestly, we really shouldn’t even have to say that. But there's that whole lawyer thing.

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy Statement may be changed from time to time. Feel free to check it periodically if you have a concern. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at any time during regular business hours.

Thank you for your time and attention.

All contents ©2012 or earlier, Imagination To Go!, except for any logos or trademarks that are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

All work displayed on this site was done through Imagination To Go! unless specifically commissioned by another firm. In this business, you occasionally come across two or more portfolios claiming the same work. If any other firm claims creation of any of this work (except where noted), they’re lying. We have the paperwork to prove it.